Discovery, History and Definition of the Element Ununio 112

Ununio 112, also known as copernicium (Cn), is a synthetic and radioactive element with an atomic number of 112 on the periodic table. It was first synthesized in 1996 by a team of scientists at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany. The learning of Ununio 112 marked a significant milestone in the field of chemistry and has since been the subject of extensive research.

Learning of the Uub

The discovery of Ununio 112 was a collaborative effort between teams of scientists from the GSI and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia. The team at the GSI bombarded a target made of lead-208 with accelerated nuclei of zinc-70.

This resulted in the creation of a single atom of Ununio 112, which was detected using specialized equipment.

The discovery was confirmed by the JINR team, who also created Uub 112 using a different method. They bombarded a target made of lead-208 with accelerated nuclei of iron-58, which also resulted in the creation of this element. The discovery was officially recognized in 2009 by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), which assigned the name copernicium (Cn) to the element.


The finding of Ununio 112 was a significant achievement in the field of chemistry. It marked the first time that an element with an atomic number greater than 110 had been successfully synthesized.

Prior to the discovery of uub the heaviest element on the periodic table was meitnerium (Mt), with an atomic number of 109.

The discovery of uub was the result of decades of research and experimentation in the field of nuclear chemistry. Scientists had been attempting to create superheavy elements for many years, but the process was challenging due to the short half-lives of these elements and the difficulty of creating them in the lab.

The discovery of Uub was not without controversy, however. Some scientists have criticized the use of particle accelerators to create superheavy elements, arguing that the process is too expensive and inefficient.

Others have raised concerns about the potential environmental impact of synthesizing radioactive elements in the lab.

Definition of Uub

Uub is a synthetic element, meaning that it is not found naturally on Earth and must be created in a laboratory through nuclear reactions. It has an atomic number of 112, which means that it has 112 protons in its nucleus. Its symbol on the periodic table is Cn.

It’s a member of the transition metal group on the periodic table, along with elements such as iron, nickel, and copper.


It is located in period 7, group 12 of the periodic table. Ununio 112 is highly unstable and radioactive, with a half-life of around 290 milliseconds.

Ununio 112 has several isotopes, each with a different number of neutrons in its nucleus. The most stable isotope of Uub is Cn-285, which has a half-life of around 30 seconds. This isotope decays into lighter elements through the emission of alpha particles. Other isotopes of Ununio 112, such as Cn-286 and Cn-283, have much shorter half-lives and decay more quickly.

Discovery of Ununbio, Uub on the Periodic Table, What is Element 112, Ununio Properties and Characteristics

Ununbio has its discovery due to an experiment that was carried out a while ago, where it was wanted to demonstrate the existence of superheated ions. Element 112 is part of the utilization and studies of nuclear energy and its fusion states.

‘Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung’ is the research laboratory of heavy ions, known by the abbreviations GSI, located in Darmstadt, Germany and has a particle acceleration equipment that allows the study and production of new nuclear fusion atoms.

The interesting thing about Copernicio

The GSI has been working and developing since 1981 the production of superheavy atoms, an investigation that has allowed to identify new elements of the periodic table now known as Bohrio (Bh – 107) and Roentgenio (Rg – 111) that were formerly called Unnilseptio (Uns) And Unununio (Uuu), respectively.

In 1996, this laboratory gave element 112, which was nicknamed Ununbio (Uub) until 2010 that received its official name, Copernicio (Cn). Their discovery came when studying the superheated atoms by German scientists of the GSI, led by Professor Sigurd Hofman.

The experiment

It should be noted that element 112 has a record, is the heaviest atom of the periodic table, surpassing hydrogen (277 times).

In the GSI nuclear reactor a fusion of a zinc atom with a lead atom was carried out causing an alpha (α) decay chain in a particle emission obtaining 277Cn [208Pb + 70Zn → 277Cn + 1n] with a half-life of 240 microseconds. Thus, four new Copernicium ion nuclei were obtained where their most stable isotope was 277 which produced a kinetic energy of 343.8 MeV, thus gaining the title of the heaviest ion known to man.

Element 112 released two different alpha energies which were expressed as follows: (11.649 + -20) keV and (11.454 + -20) keV) for the decaying nuclei α, furthermore in the cross-section yielded measures of three weeks of Irradiation (1.0 +1.3 – 0.6) bp. Until now the elements that are in the periodic table from 102, have no commercial use; However, are wrapped in conspiracy theories or UFO history as element 115, where it is asserted that it is fuel for alien ships, an interesting theory to decorate and enjoy.